Directors: Cristiano Ciliberti
Producer: Antonio Dilella, Leonardo De Palma, Vito De Palma, Biagio Cistulli
Genre: Drama
Cast: Paolo Sassanelli, Sara Putigniano, Gianni Ciardo, Clara Galante, Vito Lopriore, Totò Onnis, Giorgio Careccia
Language: Italian w/ English subtitles
Synopsis: In an unknown and immutable microcosm of a southern Italian province, the Pirate, a solitary and blind artist, spies on the life of his fellow citizens who pass in front of his door. They are bizarre characters, left on the margins of our cybernetic and too fast society. They find meaning in their circumscribed universe, accepting with sweet melancholy that inexorable, but salvific, immobility.
Sinopsis: En un microcosmos desconocido e inmutable de una provincia del sur de Italia, el Pirata, un artista solitario y ciego, espía la vida de sus conciudadanos que pasan ante su puerta. Son personajes extraños, dejados al margen de nuestra sociedad cibernética y demasiado rápidos. Encuentran sentido a su universo circunscrito, aceptando con dulce melancolía esa inmovilidad inexorable, pero salvífica.